As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Hopefully, this picture will be replaced once Emily emails me one of the pictures she has of me running. But until then, you get a nice picture of Brent and I.

Last day of school (practically). APUSH tomorrow morning, and then I'm done with AP's for the year.

Division championship today after school at Westbury. It was a beautiful day to race; slight wind, nice and cool, not too humid or too dry. After a few hours of just chilling out, I got ready for the 3200. I was just hoping to run a small PR of maybe 10:20ish.


I went out strong and hung on to the front pack for as long as I could...which ended up being the whole race. I WAS THE FRONT PACK! Gabe from New Hyde Park and someone I didn't know from Garden City were right in front of me the whole race. I kept with them all the way, and almost caught the GC kid in the end. I finished in third place, only two seconds behind the first place finisher, with a time of 10:00 flat.


And the best part is that I didn't even feel it. I didn't pass out, throw up, or die. Success!

Oh, and I ran the 4x800 after that and ran 2:13 (a 2 second PR).


How am I supposed to take APUSH in nine hours?

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