The Indignities...

.. of a trip to the vet!

Maggie here...I have just returned from the vet with my dignity no longer intact...lugged around in a cage and made to sit in the waiting room with dogs! Dogs, who are loose..on leashes yes, but not in cages! Cats are supposed to be SO independent..and here I am trapped in a cage, not trusted to behave myself if let dogs! Dogs who are such needy creatures..always sucking up to everyone, wagging those tails...constantly seeking attention...Note that we cats do not wag our tails and beg...we would never stoop to such antics..but here I am...and there they are..they win. 

And then there is the vet..I know her well...we come here way too often...and I don't like her. She likes to poke, prod, and feel every inch of my body...and then jab a needle into my butt..and I am supposed to like coming here? She pulls back my lips and gropes around in my mouth checking out my teeth commenting about the pinkness or not pinkness of my gums..which is better? Pink or not pink? I have no idea because nobody tells me anything. She and the woman talk about me as if I was not they think I am deaf? Oh yes, and she looks into my ears too for heaven's sake - what does she expect to see in there? And then, the bowels..always a discussion of my bowels...What is it with the bowels? Like, OMG...Is nothing private? And don't even ask about the weigh-in...and all the insensitive comments about my if I have no feelings at all? As if I do not have a sense of worth I am trying hard to maintain? One nice comment about my beautiful shiny coat does not make up for all the nasty ones about my weight...Someone save me from the vet...please! 

And the woman wonders why I run and hide when it is Going to the Vet time? 

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