A quick trip into Leeds (the 2023 UK City of Culture!)

The world’s first steam locomotive was made in Leeds
The oldest airworthy aircraft in the UK was made in Leeds. 
Leeds gave the UK the internet
Leeds has the oldest running commercial railway in the world
Leeds has one of the biggest parks in Europe
The world’s first-ever films were made in Leeds
Leeds has the world’s largest animal armour
Leeds pioneered x-ray technology
Leeds designed the first country maps of England
The name Leeds is derived from the Celtic word Ladenses, which means “people of the fast-flowing river”, in reference to the River Aire that flows through the city.
The owl is the civic symbol of Leeds, and the Leeds coat of arms has three owls on it. There’s a 7 ft high gold-leafed owl sculpture outside Leeds Civic Hall (see photo)
Leeds City Museum contains the bones of a hippopotamus, believed to have roamed Leeds over 100,000 years ago.
The famous Marks and Spencer started as a market stall in Leeds in 1884.

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