Jet's Blog


My cousin and I

This is my cousin Janette and I at last years Paralympics, having a great day out........... Today we shared a very sad day, the news of her Mum, my Auntie passing away in her sleep last night - a brave lady who lost her battle to blood cancer after 3 years. Janette has cerebral palsy, it affects her balance and her speech, she is truly a remarkable human being in every way, always thoughtful, smiling and very loving, what she says is direct, honest and very real. Today she felt vulnerable and scared, it was one of the hardest things I have had to do, breaking the sad news. By the end of our time together today, she had a plan on how she would tell her friends, what she would wear at the funeral and she was remembering fun times with her Mum and looking through old photos. She is amazing and I'm so proud of her.

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