POG's Journal


I am on another waiting list…

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday afternoon I confirmed to myself that I am past my sell by date… I was searching for two hours for a cadence sensor to fix onto my road bike… I did find it in the end, guess where… already fitted to my road bike – such a senior moment.

I had such trouble sleeping last night, I normally only manage around 6 hours but miss that by quite a bit. So, obviously I had to put myself on “droop” and went to the workshop this morning and cracked on with the dreaded Halfway… I made good progress and hopefully I will do a long day tomorrow on it and break the back of this last bit. 

I left the workshop around midday as I had a doctor’s appointment at 2:30. Once home I did my turbo session. The cadence sensor seems to indicate that around 75 RPM is about the maximum I can managed without extra hip pain. It will be interesting to see if this improves with time.

The doctor confirmed that I have a belly button hernia and has referred me to a surgeon to fix it… With all this repair work on me I feel like the 6 million dollar man but in my case maybe the 6 quid man – lol.

The photo:

A clamp for a retort stand in the workshop…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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