Even more experimental
... as the face is out of focus which gives the image a slightly threatening undertone. Still using Photosplit.
I spent a couple of hours with Debbie in the afternoon helping her to download photos from the camera I lent her. I think I ended up with three from the Barnsley museum visit that I felt were worth saving - I think our choices didn't always align and she wanted to know what made me save one that she would have deleted. I've added it in extra so you can see what you think. She also has a very nice portrait of the young man who was running the cafe - he wanted a copy and probably thinks he isn't going to get one now.
Also a conversation with GG who is already thinking about frames for her images that will go in the Barnsley Civic Gallery exhibition starting in April. She always impresses me with her organisation and desire to get things done. It made me start to look at my collection of frames that are not currently in use. I've got a lot of them and they don't always match my vision for a particular image.
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