And relax!!
A slow start with a little lie in and then onto a busy day before the kids got home from their Dads.
We wanted to get all the housework done before H got dropped off. We got it done just as he waltzed through the door and once he had sorted his bag we took him to the gym. As he’s only 13 he needs an adult to take him for another few months until his next birthday. I’m glad we had to take him today as it meant I finished off all my planned sessions this week, despite not really wanting to.
We picked up a couple of bits of shopping on the way home and then decluttered the little room that Jessica sleeps in, it’s a little geek room with Lego and Batman trinkets. A few books needed sorted as the boys have outgrown picture books, some will go to a charity shop and special ones have been stored, for when the boys are older and they might bless us with grandchildren.
We got everything done for the boys getting back and have fed them, caught up with them and got them off to bed ready for school!
This candle is a present from Mum for Xmas designed to help sleep, I really like it and will sit and read my book for a little longer before lights (and candle) out.
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