A day in the life

By Shelling


Yesterday, Knut had his name day in our calendar. That's twenty days after Christmas, when the Christmas is supposed to be "danced out", in Norway, Denmark and Sweden that is. All because of a danish King and later Saint, called Knut, who was murdered in the 11 hundreds. In other traditions, Christmas usually ends on the 6th of January but during the 1600's the Christmas was prolonged a week in our countries. As usual the event is a mixture of several traditions, you can find out more info on Wikipedia, should you be interested.

Usually the dance around the Christmas tree is connected with stripping the tree of all its decorations and throwing it out the door, now having served its purpose. If children is present, which they mostly are, a huge amount of candy is also consumed. 
Our humble Knut-day took place in the parish-house. No tree was present, neither was any children. Only elders, of my own age around seventy, participated in the ring-movement. They were all part of the Rheumatic association and didn't move around in a sparky way so most of the lively songs were abandoned.

Everyone had a really good time and our small temporary band with tuba, guitar, accordion and fiddle was much appreciated. Luckily Ove, the tuba player had the presence to take a selfie of the band, I never remember these things, I was occupied with playing and leading the singing.

Today is my one-year-anniversary in my new home. On the fourteenth of January I slept my first night in my new home, like a baby.

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