A preview of spring, perhaps ?

I planted a hyacinth for each of my siblings in memory of our parents who usually had a pot of hyacinths on their kitchen window sill at this time of year. I placed mine in these special bulb holders so that Arthur and possibly Florence could watch the roots grow as well as see the shoot sprout .

It’s another rainy day but I have managed to dodge the showers sufficiently to prune some of the bushes in the front garden as well as make leafy piles beneath the shrubs . Hopefully they will rot down in situ and provide some nourishment.

The rain has now resumed and I’ve passed an emotional few hours watching Olivia Coleman and Anthony Hopkins in “The Father .” It was brilliantly crafted , I felt quite confused myself after watching it . If you have seen it you will understand what I mean . Of course, I watched through a veil of tears as so much resonated having watched my own dad travel a similar path .
I am left feeling incredibly grateful that my dad knew us all , children , grand children, great grandchildren and that those relationships helped him to stay rooted amid all the other confusions that dementia brings with it . He never lost himself .

Other gratefuls for today include ,
The photos , videoes , communications coming from Sweden .
Getting to spend some time tending the garden .

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