Not Necessarily A Follower Of Fast Fashion, London

Today did not start particularly well. I only managed about three hours sleep before I had to get up and go to work so my head really wasn't straight at all. My brother, very kindly, took me up to the station to catch my train and I bought my return ticket from the machine (another £36.80) as I had yesterday. For some stupid reason I decided to double check my ticket on the  platform which was very dark and I totally forgot about the concrete flowerbeds which were at shin height. I, of course, then proceeded to face plant myself into an early display of spring bulbs. Luckily, or unluckily, I think only one fellow traveller spotted my stupid mistake so I imagine he had a mighty chuckle or two all the way up to London!
It was very quiet at work again today so I decided to go for an early lunch to try and capture an image or two. Today's main image was pure chance. I think the young woman walking past this shop spotted me but I thought I just had to take the shot anyway. She so reminded me of the singer Lorde when she released her very first single, Royals. I'm amazed that she wasn't even seventeen when she wrote and recorded that song. I still regard it as one of the best debut singles ever recorded by anyone ever, bar none. It's an astonishing tour de force by someone so young yet so full of attitude.
My extra, "Golden Dog Lightbulb Moment", was taken on one of the narrow pedestrianised streets just off New Bond Street where I work. It was so good to see the sunshine again after all the wet and grey weather.
One more great photographer to check out is Ernst Haas. He was a brilliant pioneer of mid 20th Century colour photography.

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