
By seddon

Finally asleep!

This morning I had every intention of getting up and taking Thomas and chloe to school, but when Thomas came into our room at 7am and asked to go downstairs, Ben told him '5 more minutes', so he went back into their room and turned the light on, waking Chloe up and so she started to shout at him and so Ben ended up getting up with them. I went back to sleep! They came to say goodbye before school and archie woke up, so I fed him and after Ben had done the school run, he brought me some breakfast in bed and took Archie downstairs.  I went back to sleep again! 11.30 I eventually got up! I so so needed it! 
Tracey and dave came to visit this afternoon as we will not be visiting them this weekend, so they went to pick Thomas and chloe up with Ben. 
This evening archie has been awake for far too long and was extremely over tired and grumpy. It has taken around half an hour of rocking and shushing and snuggles to get him to finally give in and sleep. Fingers crossed he will sleep OK tonight. I've got some sma formula to try him with, as it's supposed to be gentler on the gut than aptamil, but he slept for 4 hours at a time last night with just me feeding him so I don't know if I'll bother. He's been so sicky again today, really hoping that the gp will give us something else for reflux at our appointment on Thursday. 
Edit: within 10minutes of me posting this he is already awake again!!
Also, me and Ben went on our first "date" 16 years ago today (I have only just realised the date!!)

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