Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

My Own Little Castle..

...In The Carlsberg Grounds...

..Will be a reality and about 100 meters behind me from this shot and even closer to the famous elephants. DHL (my employers) think it is a great idea to support and will pay for the container (and delivery) in exchange for a little discreet marketing, ....whatever I can fit it in.

Our container arrives on Friday and then we need to turn it into a gallery, quickly.

The day started with an e-mail from the Copenhagen Photo Festival to say we can still be in the program (...and I'm assuming printed here) if we can submit details of the exhibition by 10am tomorrow! We now have a place, a name; "Copenhagen Photo Box" and Dennis is on top of a cool logo already. We now need an editorial blurb and 5-6 definitive JPEGs ready for print.

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