Some old school lawyering today - back to basic principles with books and cases. Good for the soul, if not for rapid progress.
Turns out CarbBoy’s jab started having an effect mid-morning, so he came home to sleep it off. School weren’t going to let him out without my say-so but he stood his “I’m an adult now” ground (while trying not to throw up) and they conceded. Don’t tangle with a lawyer’s kid. (Perhaps I’ll take them some cakes - best to keep on the right side of the Vie Scolaire team!)
This evening was the big talk about how to apply to uni - and happily CarbBoy was able to make it so one of us understood what was going on. That, however, was the limit of his interaction with the day: water and paracetamol and off to bed with no appetite for his venison and pasta.
Meanwhile, Mr B is done with shutters and has been painting the wall yellow! That may be finished tomorrow, then the white trim and it’s done - mind you there is a lot of trim. Also he’s off this weekend for a few days in Scotland, then next week for skiing - so the scaffolding may have a few weeks to go. Can’t wait for it to be done. Gardener here today, so we made plans and schemes for what’s to be done, and mostly he hacked down an unruly rose and cleared the old pond - both of which had got very out of hand through my neglectful care.
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