Beginning & end …

… of a wonderful day.

EmCoops and I did a decent swim at Park Road Lido. The pool temperature was fine but the air temperature was really chilly.

We then drove on to Canterbury with a certain young lady who had a university open day - I went for the happy ride because it gave me a chance to meet up with HatBox too.

I had time to kill on my own, wandering around the shops whilst HatBox was at work and the other 2 were at the Open Day. It’s a great city for shopping. We all met up at 4, did a bit more shopping, then went for a yum pizza before checking back to say hello to SkyeMan.

EmCoops then drove us home and there ended a lovely day out. Wednesdays with EmCoops are coming to an end so we need to enjoy them before she’s back at work on Wednesdays.

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