Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Knives out

And spoons. And forks. 

I was incredibly clumsy today, kept dropping stuff and knocking things over, including our cutlery pot. It is a bit too heavy mind. 

Today was notable for not being in any way notable, although I did cook a very good cauliflower, chickpea and tofu meatloaf tonight - a made up recipe which was tasy, tasty, very very tasty - despite it sounding like a vegan cliche. God bless the humble chick pea as George Clooney once famously said in an episode of Friends before his pig died and he got fat (his words not mine). 

We did actually watch an episode of Friends tonight. The one where they poke ugly naked guy out the window with a long pole made from taping chopsticks together. Haven't watched Friends in ages. I was struck by how bad the acting was but how funny it still was too. In fact the lack of acting skills is part of the charm. It's got an am-dram quality to it, in which everything that is bad is forgivable because overall it is good. And comfortable of course. 

Talking of old Friends, my mate Mr Fatigue came for a big time visit today. I think its the lack of exercise bought about by the wet weather and the abundance of work; I'm not getting out for a trot and dancing in the kitchen to Pharrel Williams whilst the tea is brewing doesn't add much to the step count. Actually that probably accounts for my clumsiness at least in part. You drop stuff when you’re tired. 

Tomorrow will I am sure be better. If it isn’t I shall put the knives in the cutlery drawer …

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