making life better

What a great day!  Phil-the-builder and partner Pam arrived late morning and spent the entire day working their way through the long list of jobs that  will make my daily life that bit easier, such as securing my Ikea units to the wall so that I can now organize all my handicraft supplies in my craft room with no danger of it all toppling over, new outside lights so I don't topple over when taking out the trash at night, and so on.  By the time they were fixing the new retractable clothes airer to the garage wall in the garden it was raining - and still they carried on working.  I kept them supplied with hot tea, hope it helped.   Then, just as they were packing up for the day, an amazon parcel arrived - 'Secret Santa' had sent me this delightful and probably dastardly jigsaw puzzle. 

Early evening and Secret Santa Charlie called and together we went to Home Bargains where we managed to find some things to buy (!!) including for me, a couple of Efes beers, all the way from Turkey! The rest of the evening was spent in the therapeutic and satisfying task of organizing my art and handicraft stuff in to the Ikea cubes and housing the 200+ LPs (now called vinyl) that were in storage all the years I was in Istanbul. Marvelous, even if the weather was rubbish. 

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