
The first flower has appeared in the garden.  I am so pleased to see it and hope that lots will follow.

A busy day at work, I had completed  a mini project for a different area and presented my findings today. It was very well received and a well done for me.

Holly was still not eating much so we took her to the vet. £100, two injections and it seems she has a virus of some kind, with a raised temperature.  Claude probably had the same but was back to normal eating today.

Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow, but if not we have to go back. A little embarrassing was that we explained she had basically not eaten for four days and the vet said her weight was exactly the same as the last time she was in... which probably means, she like all of us, had put weight on over Christmas! 

We went out for burger night at the local pub, so nice to be out even if I look completely drunk before we arrived (still wobbly).

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