A time for everything

By turnx3

Oyster mushroom

Today, it was time for Laura to head back to Wisconsin. She had been hoping to have breakfast out with a couple of friends before she left, but that didn’t happen - it seems they both overslept! It was about noon before she finally got off - I would have preferred to see her get off earlier with a 9 hour drive ahead of her, but she’s an independent (read stubborn!) young lady! At least she gains an hour along the way, as far as the clock goes, and the weather was looking pretty good for her journey. Anyway, writing this as I am almost a week later, she had a good journey and made it home safe and sound!
A week ago, we were enduring frigid temperatures, while today we were almost as far above the average - reaching a high of 64 F (almost 18C) !
So we decided that was warm enough to get out for a bike ride in the afternoon. We started at Loveland on the bike trail and headed north for about 13 miles return. It felt good to get out on the bikes again. The first section of about a mile, was quite busy with walkers, joggers and cyclists, but after that it thinned out. As I was cycling along, I caught sight of this huge Oyster mushroom on a tree beside the trail, and thought would make for a good blip

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