Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Kaoh Rung island..

I’m not getting many updates from the islands … patchy Wi-Fi and very few plug sockets . The kids don’t mind because there are so many beautiful things to see and also plenty to do . Cambodia is very expensive compared to Vietnam though so they will move on soon . This is them disembarking from the little boat they took from the mainland.
Eve had a meltdown at the museum in Phnom Penh at the museum of the genocide . She said she didn’t imagine it possible to be even more traumatic than the museums on the Vietnam war . It’s taught her and the gang an awful lot more and they are glad they know this but also not glad they know this if that makes sense . All of them are very into history ( my favourite subject by far ) . I did try and warn her about that war and the things she would see but you can’t really get it across until you’ve looked and read up on it yourself can you .
On a lighter note they are seeing some fabulous lizards and yesterday their first monkey roaming about , this was particularly exciting apparently. My friend Whizzy ( daughter of Velvet frog ) was bitten by a monkey in Thailand and it stole her flip flop .

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