Jan 9

I only caught a glimpse of the seaside sparrow that has been hanging out on the Salt Marsh Trail for the past several days. When I came home and was scrolling thru FB someone had posted that there was a wood duck at Sullivan's Pond. I decided to go there this afternoon. He was swimming close to shore when I arrived.
There were some other people there when I arrived and I was talking to them. I looked at one of them, thinking she looked familiar, looked at her dog, then back at her and asked her 'Are you L. E? She said yes, and I told her who I was. We have been friends on FB for the past couple of years, but never connected in person. So today was the first time for that. We enjoy seeing each others photos on FB.
I start my new merchandising job on Wednesday, and will work Wed and Thursday this week. I am glad that I accepted the job as I am getting hours during January. The other company that I work for is not giving me anything so far. Based on what I have been told so far, I would likely only get 12 days of work from them for the relines this year. I emailed the manager today and told her that I have another job that pays more money. I told her that I could still do the hair color relines and the hair care one at the Cole Harbour Walmart.  
A partly sunny day and very little wind, so it was nice for walking.

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