The Inbetweeners

Recently I have decided that I need some shoes between my very comfortable but heavy walking boots, and my day/office/best (come what may and also very comfortable) lightweight shoes.
Walking shoes would have been ideal, but part of my problem is bending down to do the laces.  I have seen a few that I liked the look of, but at the price of a good shoe I did not want to find that struggling with laces defeated the object of the exercise, especially as the bow on a shoe would be a couple of inches lower than the bow on my boots . . .
So I ventured into the economy range and looked for Velcro (sorry, touch and close) shoes, and found these in a sale.  I have taken them for a test drive to the grave yard and back and they are ok (in lower case).  The elastic could be a bit tighter and there is no easy way of adjusting it.  Only time will tell, and it won’t break the bank if I wind up with proper lace-up walking shoes in the end.

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