Bara sanctaidd
Bara sanctaidd ~ Holy bread
“Vos estis tam sancti sicut vultis. / You are as holy as you will to be.”
― John van Ruysbroeck
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Mae rhywbeth sylfaenol iawn am fara. Mae'n fwyd sy wedi bod gyda ni ers oesoedd - o leiaf deng mil o flynyddoedd. Heddiw roedd amser i fi parhau traddodiad hwnnw.
Ers i mi ddechrau gwneud bara rydw i wedi gwneid llawer o gamgymeriadau, neu angen Nor'dzin i fi achub. Nawr (o'r diwedd) rydw i wedi gwneud torth o fara perffaith tair gwaith yn olynol. Felly nawr rydw i'n hapus fy mod i'n gwybod beth rydw i'n gwneud.
Mae'n ddiddorol i weld sut mae'r rysáit yn dod yn fwy amlwg dros amser. Mae fel llwybr sathredig iawn ac mae'n teimlo yn fyrrach ac yn symlach bob tro.
Rydyn ni'n gwylio ‘Marie Antoinette’ ar y teledu ar hyn o bryd. Ar rywbryd mae hi'n mynd i ddweud 'gadewch iddyn nhw fwyta cacen' pan ddywedir nad oes gan y bobl fara. Mae'n enghraifft o'r datgysylltiad rhwng y cyfoethog a'r tlawd ac mae'r rôl sylfaenol o fara yn fywydau pobl.
Amser i fi troi fy llaw i rywbeth arall. Cacen efallai. O leiaf bydd e gadw Marie Antoinette yn hapus.
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There is something very basic about bread. It is a food that has been with us for ages - at least ten thousand years. Today it was time for me to continue that tradition.
Since I started making bread I have made many mistakes, or needed Nor'dzin to save me. Now (finally) I've made a perfect loaf of bread three times in a row. So now I'm happy that I know what I'm doing.
It's interesting to see how the recipe becomes more obvious over time. It's like a well-trodden path and it feels shorter and simpler each time.
We are watching 'Marie Antoinette' on TV at the moment. At some point she is going to say 'let them eat cake' when it is said that the people have no bread. It is an example of the disconnect between the rich and the poor and the fundamental role of bread in people's lives.
Time for me to turn my hand to something else. Maybe a cake. At least it will keep Marie Antoinette happy.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Torth o fara wedi'i bobi mewn mowld cylch
Description (English): A loaf of bread baked in a ring mould
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