coquette duck?

My online dictionary is limiting coquette to a woman but I think this is a lovely look on the male mallard duck. I went to a lake I've never been to before. It is manmade in the middle of a planned community and has boardwalk and path all around it. It has geese and mallard ducks and some funky white and black duck I've never seen before. Lots of wonderful social interaction. I even took some pictures of teens goofing off, posing for me. Kids do not want email, please text the photos to them. 

And snowdrops are coming up in Maryland. I hope I do get some in my garden but I also hope they come when they are supposed to.

IF NATO and Russia go to war, NATO will be better prepared than it would have been without the 2022 invasion. Russia’s invasion has exposed weaknesses and shortcomings across European militaries including difficulty transporting military equipment. During the Cold War we apparently ran endless drills. When the USSR collapsed we stopped. NATO expanded. No one studied roads or rail lines or bridges or tunnels. NATO and EU have both been working on military mobility. 

I sure hope retired US Army Lt Gen Ben Hodges knows his stuff because he predicts Ukraine will retake Crimea by the end of August. 

Amazon and Microsoft helped cut down Russian cyberattacks on Ukraine. They gave millions of dollars worth of cybersecurity help, $400 million between them.

Have a good week!!

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