
Baklava is a layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey. Baklava of some form is made in many countries today, but it’s Turkey that’s most famous for producing the delicacy.

Ive never tasted baklava until today.  I bought lots of sweet treats for my visitors to enjoy at New Year and none of the packs ended up being opened so Ive been slowly " eating up " some of what was left.  Today was the turn of a box of baklava.  Ive eaten four of them and found them enjoyable. Very sweet, sticky and rich. 

Had a quiet day at home as my cold seems worse today.  But this evening I feel better than I did this morning so thats something. I did do a load of washing and some online shopping for cat food ... and a couple of dog toys made their way into my " basket ".

Steps today - 3,239

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