
I wasn't really in the mood for my riding lesson today, I have a streaming cold and was struggling to find the energy to do more than blow my nose and sneeze really. It was too late to cancel though so I went up to the yard as planned to find my coach also wasn't feeling great. We were a subdued team, the only one full of beans was the horse. And he'd definitely had his Weetabix!

Home via a mini food shop yo a bit of a tidy up and clear out of some random things cluttering up the cupboards and not a lot else. I can at least get things out now without an avalanche of mugs, jars and 'it might be useful one day' items (that haven't been for the last year) hitting me on the head. Himself has spent the afternoon cooking a fantastic smelling goulash that we'll be eating for a few days.

These two did get off the bed eventually so I could make it.

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