Lamp joiner
I've been reading a book about David Hockney: "Hockney on art, Conversations with Paul Joyce". He talks about his experiences of joiners - trying to get different angles and telling more about an image than can be shown in a single picture. Also adding the dimension of time - the time it takes to make them or the time evolving through the joined up image, or maybe the time it takes to look at the finished image. The whole thing is fascinating!
Just Google "Hockney joiners" to see the wide variety of joiners he has made!
My first idea was to try taking pictures at different times - at night and during the day as well as at various different angles but that was too complicated! So you have the day joiner - above - and the night time joiner in extras I think they might look better in large too.
Meanwhile Ro went to see eldest play football and their team won (3-0): for the very first time!! Time for Lunch!
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