Fat lip

Aww yesterday my pile of shoes at the bottom of my wardrobe, was put back in to neat piles of pairs - whilst I was doing this melody was playing on bed with daddy - next min she fell off head first into a buggy that was destined for the loft :( she wailed and it bled (first time I've seen her bleed) and I could see a cut - she was so fine after literally one minute tho - dad more paranoid than ever - I'm a bit gung ho and he's more cautious..
Anyway this am she had a big fat lip! I half expected social services CPT to be waiting when mike collected her from nursery!
Uneventful day - work - mike did dinner (fray bentos pie, roast spud and sweetcorn) a replica of the first meal he ever made me! When we were 23 and 25 respectively! Ahh!
Melody getting good with colours - purple pink black blue and green!

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