Derelict Cart

A dreadful morning weather wise, so I stayed home and started my new Lego model…a working, motorised lighthouse (a Christmas present). It may take a while to build, there are over 2,000 pieces. I expect it will make an appearance on blip!

Anyway, the weather completely changed after lunch so off I went for a walk, there was nice warm sunshine and no wind.

I have blipped various bits of this derelict old trailer before ….it lies in a piece of woodland not too far away. Today I saw that the woodland has been partially cleared and the logs stacked (see extra 1) …and some of the undergrowth around this trailer has been cleared, so I was able to get pretty much the whole thing in today

I also managed to get a shot of the beck in the woods nearer home, looking to wards the ‘cattle drink’ with the sun streaming in…the water is quite high after all the rain and looks really brown as it carries a load of silt from further upstream - extra 2

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