Dry January – Day 7

My human is doing 'Dry January' and she's almost a quarter of the way through the month. Whoopee doo. #itsgoingtobealongmonth It's a bit like being back in lock down though admittedly she drank by herself throughout the whole of lock down as she hasn't been out at all this week in the evening. She turned down two invitations to dinner because she didn't want to be tempted by her wine drinking friends. It's all very well and good to say that you don't need alcohol to enjoy yourself and Ann knows that is true BUT, for more than 40 years, alcohol has played a huge part in her social life. In fact alcohol IS her social life. When she goes out with friends, all they do is eat and drink and somehow sitting with a Diet Coke isn't quite the same? She can usually do lunch quite happily without a bottle glass of wine, because I am her main priority and I need an afternoon walk but dinner is a different matter. I guess it's all psychological?!  As you can gather my human is extremely bored this evening. Home alone and nothing on the TV. It's enough to drive anyone to drink?!!

I had my morning walk in the rain and got absolutely soaked, I snoozed in my bed while Ann was at work and then this afternoon we went through the Hermitage to Blackford Pond. The path around the pond was completely flooded so we weren't able to walk around it. By this time I was very, very, muddy so Ann threw a few sticks into the pond and I had to swim to retrieve them so that my tummy got clean. My tummy got clean but then on the way home it started to pour with rain again so by the time we got home I was absolutely drenched and so was Ann.  Ann says I stink of wet dog.  Well, I'm hardly likely to stink of wet cat am I?

So here we are. Saturday evening stretches in front of us...................... I'm having a snooze in my bed before dinner and Ann, well, Ann, hasn't got a clue what she's going to do for the rest of the evening.................

PS – My human isn't being totally un-motivated and depressed this month. She is setting in place her goals for the rest of the year. ..............Well, you all know how she loves her little projects............... In 2023 she is going to write a book about her life in lock down. It might not be of any interest to anyone else, but she wants to do it, to document the most isolating period of her life. So far she's written one paragraph. Lol!!! She's also signed up to do an online course; 'Successful Self Publishing Diploma'. So far she's read one paragraph of that. Lol!!! It will happen though, because she's always wanted to write a book, and she has decided that 2023 is the year that it's going to happen. 

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