
My poor wee jedi. He refused dinner last night and had a little bit of a funny tummy before bed. This morning when he woke up he had a raging temperature and was sick everywhere.  This has been him most of the day. He keeps throwing up and rolling around with tummy cramps. He doesn't understand and its a wee shame. He won't let me hug him for more than a couple of minutes.  

He was supposed to have a paediatric appointment next week but it's been rescheduled.  His lymes test came back negative and he had a a whole panel of bloods done. There was two that came back with a higher reading to them. So I'll ask about that. One of them is his Eosinophil levels ( any doctor blippers know anything about that ). I just know that he shouldn't be picking up infections every two weeks and having high temperatures all the time. 

It's nanas birthday on Tues so Mr R and the big wildlings are away sitting in her driveway with some gifts and carrot cake . At least her and grandad will have that all to themselves as the wildlings won't try anything like that. 

Mr R  is going out later with his friend and dad. He has been going to the dads house on new years day every year for over 25 years and last week the dad was ill, so it was rearranged.  I'm hoping it means a quiet night here. I just hope the jedi picks up and stops having cramps and being sick. 

One thing with Autism is is that kids like that have quite a few food issues but I make sure that they receive vitamins and calcium and all that Jazz. . 

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