Place: St Pete Beach, FL 47/68
Main activity: Fri - all over
Notes: Didn't sleep great - was awake before 3a for quite awhile. To B's before 9a, dropped her at 930a, was supp to be an hour appt. She didn't get out of there till ~ 1120a, I had gone to TJs and then was on the phone w/ Best Buy for over 37 min to fix my order! Dropped her off then and didn't get back till 1145a to make my coffee. Packed up some here then and pulled back out around 1p, grabbed a floor lamp in Tierra Verde, a foldable desk in Gulfport and then the long haul north to the new place.

New washer and dryer don't fit in the space. The washer was so old and a smaller size but manager didn't bother to measure. So new washer is in, has to find another dryer that will fit in the space - not sure how easy that will be. Faucet now being replaced tomorrow - place is a lot crappier and more run down when being able to turn on the lights. Bathtub is really gross, have one mat, will have to get a 2nd and still may not be able to take a bath in it. Gonna be a big transition. DW and stove are old and not very clean. Whew! Back to Bette's then around 345p, my 2 pkgs were there and I packed up more stuff as there's bit all over the place. Got a fair amt done and just got back here to eat something - so tired! Somehow showered and went downtown to Salty Nun at 7p for just about an hour to meet Leanne and friends for her bday - the singer kept coming right up to me (ha!).

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