Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I had a blood test this morning, so I didn’t bother picking up Pip until about 10am, after my breakfast. And Plan B - don’t walk the dogs round by my gate - Pip refuses to go further: Go round the block the other way. Result!

I wasn’t too keen to go to the gym, actually, my knees being quite sore today. But I went, promising myself the weekend off. Actually, I only did 20 minutes on the cross trainer as it’s no impact, but jings it was tough! I didn’t do the bike, but half-heartedly did a few arm pulls.

I checked the bus app - 11 minutes. I only need 7/8 minutes to get there, but this would give me time to divert slightly and pop into the wee pastry shop, where I haven’t been for ages. Not much left on a Friday afternoon, but there were a couple of gorgeous looking blueberry muffins. Irresistible!

Enjoying even more lurid Harold and Willy revelations…

This is Pip, btw. In his favourite spot, keeping an eye on the gate…

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