Not Apple custard.

Beware the "Custard Apple" chum.

I am one of those suckers who'll try anything ... once.
Not that long ago, I was underwhelmed by a Pepino "Melon": which, apparently, belongs to the same family as the Nightshades, chilis and the humble spud.

This week it was the Custard Apple. I have to admit that the ripe flesh was "bootiful", but it wasn't really worth either the price or the hassle.
Unfortunately I'd eaten the damthing before I saw how grotty the shots were.

On the left:- The half I hadn't yet eaten.
On the right:- A very unflattering representation of the other, uneaten half. There wasn't REALLY any rust on it, it was very nearly virginal white throughout, but you can see what I mean about not worth the hassle.

Having Searched for some "images" it appears that "other varieties are available" as they say. And I'm prepared to accept that, in the same way as Water Mellon seeds are distributed differently from, say, Honeydew, or Cantaloupe?

(Joke(?) Only a Cumbrian will grasp.)
"Can t'lowp?"
" Aye, but nut ovver high these days."

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