
Two days into a “new year” and another ‘drip’ of bad news, I guess it comes with age. Having lost a friend on 23rd December I received the news that a friend from my HMS Antrim days, over forty years ago, “Spider” Kelly, has received a terminal diagnosis.
Eight months, I’d like to get across to see him, it’s something to work towards, I’ll see how he feels about it.

A day off for Mrs S who along with thousands of nurses is feeling the pressure. Seeing it from both sides allows me to get a perspective, I have friends who have caught this flu like bug, coughing, short of breath and feeling unwell they become alarmed and with GP’s appointments increasingly becoming like hens teeth they have nowhere to turn except A&E.
Tired doesn’t really explain how Mrs S, and others like her, feel, weary or weary to the bone as my Mum would say. It’s knowing that there is no respite in sight.
Time for the decorations to come down except this star, Mrs S and I like it so much it is staying and replacing the dodgy lamp that went for recycling pre Christmas.

New Years Resolution #2 - Take Care Of Mrs S.

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