...the fun filled, busy Christmas weeks Claire and I are having a slow, relaxing start to the year.
To be honest I've been knackered this week with getting back into early morning starts. I'm still not 100% recovered from the lurgy with a lingering cough which is now getting rather annoying.
On an evening we'll have dinner and watch a bit of Netflix or similar then have half an hour doing Sudoku (it helps me wind down to sleep).
Orla too is finding it hard keeping awake in the evening, she has started Pre-school on top of still having a day at nursery alongside Tumble Tots and other fun things throughout the week.
I'm looking forward to the weekend but I don't think it will be a quiet one.....well my philosophy can sleep when you're dead.
Hope all of you have had a good start to the year.
Mr Bo Hingles
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