Flower Friday

This is a giant garlic plant. If I had harvested it I would have had garlic but no flowers. Next year I might if I remember.

We had the 6 grandchildren here again today. They were great except Elijah who I couldn’t keep up with. He races from one thing to another. He REALLY wanted to learn to knit. (As if). I said I was prepared to teach him but it’s very hard and don’t expect to finish a garment today. Well after many attempts in blue yarn (had to be blue) and short needles (red) we had completed a stitch. Then onto gardening. Before we got into it it started to rain and he wished he had gone for a walk with Pop and his brothers. Then he sulked for awhile as I couldn’t find an activity to his liking. He is very black and white and won’t play with toys. Prefers real things like Pop’s 3D printer.

The others were great and happy to play with each other. Lunch was hamburgers, hot cross buns, watermelon and ice cream and strawberries.

Now I need a rest and get back into my book which I’m enjoying very much. ( Lessons in Chemistry )

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