Bloomin' Roses

This morning I did my usual stroll down to the lake and  back through the park.  It was raining, so the scenery looked pretty gloomy.  These roses are in the park.

I then went to the Medical Centre to get a Medical Certificate to get my Driver Licence renewed.  In NZ once you are 80 years of age, you have to get your Driver Licence renewed every two years.  The hardest thing I had to do was walk in a straight line with my arms out!!  My eyesight is pretty good, so no trouble there.  

Because the NZ Transport Agency come to Wanaka only one day a month, it is easier to travel to Alexandra where the Agency is open every day.  I have 6 weeks to get it done, so no hurry there.

It has stopped raining, so I'll go out for another stroll.  Not too hot +22C.

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