Housework at home this morning, then down to CK for 9.15. Indie keen to go walkies. Very mild overcast morning.
Back to base, I checked out the new blinds, look fine so send my brother a text asking if he can fix them..
Did Mum make a will, she does'nt think so, so out comes an old wooden cigar box, we gradually go through the contents, birth certificates, death certificates, the invoice for an Ercol table & 4 chairs, plus sideboard purchased in 1965, all of which are still in use, the table, we are sat at. Other old invoices, the Pedigree pram bought when Rog was born, Dad's first car. Lots of memories in that box but no will.
I attempted to give Indie her wormer, without success. Grhhhh! I left the tabs with Mum hoping she could fool Indie into taking them.
Home for lunch, then a phone call to a local legal consultant that's been recommended by a friend of hubby, regarding power of attorney.
I bumped into an old CK resident, a couple of years older than myself. He'd been to the cemetery where his wife, & parents are buried. Life is so precious.
Tom was on the allotment site so stopped to have a chat & check out what he was up to. Pruning fruit bushes today. I set off to my plot, one of my sheds had collapsed. Argh!! It needs to come down, another job to add to my list. I topped up the compost bin with my kitchen waste, then picked sprouts, lifted leeks, and pulled a few carrots. Roast pork tonight, with some very local veggies.
Currently watching The Caribbean: Billionaires Paradise on Channel 4. We've spent some time in the Caribbean, love the islands, reggae, & the beaches..
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