Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

A Day of Many Parts

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A day of many parts:  we both had to exchange a couple of Christmas pressies; back to the shop about Bb's Fitchie Bitchie (see yesterday's blip); lunch of picanha cooked on the stone at your table at a favourite place, Real Chopp; a walk right along the front of Copacabana till the Fort; walked through the arts market at the end of Copacabana; a look around Tok Stok furniture shop; walked back along the front (weary by this time!) and then a shared toasted sandwich and a game of Yatzee in Típicamente at the top of our street.  A full and good day.

The newspaper photo is from O Globo newspaper about an article in The Rolling Stones magazine on the 200 best singers in history. I was a bit surprised by the top 10 actually - see the photo. Good to see that some Brasilians are there: Joao Gilberto was number 81, Gal Costa at 90 and Caetano Veloso at 108. 

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