Musical ornaments
We got a bit of a late start, then Laura went out to the stores to return some items she had ordered online, and Roger kindly did the big shop for me, while I was busy at home. He deserved a medal, as it was predictably busy - not just people shopping for Christmas, but also shopping ahead of the big storm which will begin to affect us late tonight. He called me several times saying they didn’t have this or that, but fortunately Laura was able to pick up the missing items from another supermarket on her way home. We had an early dinner, then the three of us went to church for handbell and choir practice. We had roped Laura in to sing with us Christmas Eve, as I expected to be the only alto, but it turned out she got roped in for handbells too! I was impressed how quickly she picked it up, as she hasn’t played handbells for years! Fortunately, when it came to choir, Michael, our director, arrived with several members of his musical family to swell our ranks, including two altos, so Laura ended up singing her usual soprano! The roads were still fine when we returned home, with the temperatures still being well above freezing. By the time we went to bed, however, at about midnight, the wind had picked up, the temperatures were dropping rapidly, and there was enough snow to cover the driveway and grass!
Since I hadn’t been out other than in the evening, I had to resort to an indoor blip, and what better, after a musical evening, than some of the musical ornaments on the Christmas tree in our living room.
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