
I've been waiting to take a photo of the orchid now it's coming into flower - it's easiest to take a photo after dark, when the sun isn't coming in through the window behind it.

It's been a rather nastily wet day. I walked to the duck pond but the goose wasn't there. Schools are back and when I saw a crowd of parents and kids coming towards the pond I made a retreat. I even wore a mask for the last part of the journey home because I couldn't stay far enough away from people.

Apart from a bit of German I've not done much today. You can play a game where you watch a German music video and have to fill in the gaps in the lyrics. I'm not any good at it but it's a change from Duolingo, which I also did today.

Evie is back home so she joined us via Skype for Pointless, then Neil and I watched New Tricks and Rufus sat on my lap and grumbled. Next stop, bed.

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