Just pass on by . . .

. . . if you have had enough of these! Don't feel obliged to linger, or comment or anything.

Yes, it's yet another Andy Goldsworthy Cone in a Pinfold. I was pleased with this one, as it's the first one where I could get a picture of the whole fold and some of the surroundings. And the sun shone very briefly, giving everything a glow. (There was a hailstorm a few minutes later!)

This one is just outside the hamlet of Raisbeck, not far from Orton and Tebay. It was the first to be completed, in May 1996. Soon after, it was vandalised, but was rebuilt and is still there now.

If you are at all interested, this is really best seen large. I have now bought the Andy Goldsworthy book Enclosure, which has the most wonderful photographs of all the work to do with pinfolds, sheepfolds and lots more besides. What is most fascinating are the photographs of the actual building. I, in my naivety, had somehow assumed that the cones were made of small pieces of stone, but of course that is nonsense. They would not stand up. One photograph shows Goldsworthy working on the first one I blipped at Bolton and he has with him a huge pile of flat slabs of sandstone and was fitting them one on top of the other, working round all the time. No wonder he despaired of getting them perfect.

I'm not sure what it is that fascinates me about these. Maybe it's because they have always been here, close to where I have lived for many years, and yet I have never noticed them. Nothing says: come and have a look at this. They are just there, quietly blending with the surroundings, not concerned whether anyone sees them or not.

Only three more to go!!

My daughter during her Triathlon.

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