mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Wait 5 minutes...

...the weather will change again.
I think I'm becoming a bit weather obsessive.. I seem to mention it in nearly all my blips - oops!
I wanted to spend the day putting all the plants I bought last week in the garden - after enlarging a couple of flower beds first so I set out with spade and fork and managed 30 mins before the first shower sent me scurrying for shelter! It stopped pretty quickly - I could have stayed out there - but had a quick cup of tea and set off out again. An hour later I'd got all the grass up from one bed and went in for my German lesson, then back out and the rain came again!!
Well to cut a long (and quite boring) story short, I put 3 of the 12 plants in..
The sky is almost clear blue now!! Argh! I have to make dinner - I'll try again tomorrow..
It's going to be a long week.. :-/

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