
By Fernando2013

The Reminder

I went to Ortakoy last night- I took this picture today ( I did not have my camera last night). It is my favorite part of Istanbul. I love the food, the energy, the view near the mosque. I love everything about that part of town. I had Ortakoy on my mind all day because last night reminded me that this place can be exciting and fun. It has grown stagnant lately because I have allowed it to. I went to dinner and it was a good time.

I consider 2012-2013 a learning year for me. So much change in such a short period of time and I have had some growing pains along the way. My mother sent me an email with a picture of me bungee jumping (15 years ago). I had not seen that picture in years. It was really meaningful because it reminded me of who I am. I am a passionate person who jumps head first into different adventures. I had forgotten that or I was trying so hard to change that part of me. Last night in Ortakoy and the picture today reminded me to stay true to who I am and to surround myself with people who have the same passion that I do. Ortakoy is small but alive with energy. I am thankful that I was reminded of that and I am thankful that Ortakoy has provided me with so many wonderful times.

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