Blimey what a day, not necessarily for all the right reasons. 
Jack feeling really poorly again so he stayed in bed. With Jennie being pregnant she stayed down stairs and never the twain met! Jennie and Adam went home about 2.30 after we'd watched The Glass Onion which is also very good. They were going to stay and have some of the evening with us but as Jack was ill decided to go home.
Jess and Jack were due to go out for a meal with friends but as he was poorly she went on her own which meant me taking her, coming home, eating and then going to pick her up and coming home! Just like old times.
Didn't get back till 10 as her meal over ran so started on the prosecco at that point. 
We then did our usual which is just how I like to bring the new year in - sat with the fizz and watched Jools Holland. Went up about 1.30. 
The whole NY thing warrants a full on discussion really with the whole concept of time being dissected but it would take way too long and it's later than we think, so enjoy yourself.  

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