Dales part two

Dales sunday 12
Early start for me thanks to two dags wanting out for a pee, early start for Khoola thanks to two kids needing pancakes for breakfast, everyone else got to lie in for a while... Not long tho', Maddy quickly put paid to any plans that the sleepy heads may have had, she has a way of sneaking at a racehorse speed up the stairs when your back is turned for two mins and appearing in bedrooms with a fixed glare on the occupants. I'm sure Dotts and Stewart found this most amusing !!!
We enjoyed home smoked salmon with scrambled home reared hen and goose eggs on home made bread/toast for breakfast then drove to Aysgarth and West Burton to take in and capture for ever more the beauty of the water falls, the guys from the north left soon after lunch and we took the kids to the Forbidden Corner, Jamie found it a bit scary in parts and fun in others, next time will be better and Maddy found a lot of it scary with a few bits fun, we finished the afternoon off with coffee and cakes in the cafe then Chris and Jamie made their way back home leaving Khoola and Maddy to stay on for a second -quite late- night.
We seem to have developed a major problem with our car and are unsure what tomorrow will bring.
Not a good end to an otherwise fab day.

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