Full day

I woke at 7, which is late for me! The others didn’t wake until 10:30, all saying how well they’d slept! I had prepped all the lunch by the time they got up, the first full meal I’ve cooked in at least 6 months! 

We strolled to the seafront, and James and Mollie sat on the bench for a while by themselves. As soon as you sit down, the tears come, and I knew they needed to be alone. 

Back home I cracked on with the meal, and they left around 4pm. I haven’t done much since except load the dishwasher, but I’ve done over 7000 steps and that’s the most by far since the sciatica started. It is painful now, and I’ve taken cocodamol in the hope of getting some sleep, but I’ve not taken them all day, so a positive. 

I did watch Mayflies, an excellent watch, although I did cry through the whole of episode 2 - so relatable!

Tomorrow is my last day at home. I need to do some laundry and cleaning but nothing else on, so if I feel ok, I may message the MW group and see if anyone fancies meeting for coffee.

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