Churning sea
The weather gods were not really kind to us today. Today would have been a great day for bright sunshine so we could have taken an improving New Year's Day walk. In fact, it was grey all day, and often raining, with the temperatures hovering just above freezing. Now they've gone below freezing, which will of course be rendering everything into a skating rink. Marvellous.
Anyway, we could have stayed in all day, but we didn't. After a very slow start, where I didn't even get up until nearly 9am and was still in my PJs well after 11am....we eventually headed out around lunchtime to Tarbat Ness and Wilkhaven Point. Apart from a couple of vans and a car which had its lights on in the car park, we had the place to ourselves. I enjoyed watching the churning seas, and listening to the noise of the waves. It's powerful therapy.
I've spent the rest of the day reading, finishing my first of the planned intended 30+ books of 2023 by 10pm this evening. I read about brother. do. you. love. me in the Guardian, and sure enough I found it an engaging and interesting read, teaching me a lot about both caring and Down's syndrome that I didn't know.
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