What a day!

I had to be at the Radio 2 studio just after 7am. It was raining, still dark and I was feeling a bit nervous. Chris Hawkins was doing Good Morning Sunday, he was so lovely and put me at my ease straight away. We chatted about how it feels to do a cold water swim. I’ve not replayed the interview back yet as, like most people, I cringe at the sound of my own voice. Those who heard it say I sounded alright. At least I didn’t make a fool of myself.

I had to sit a while in my car before the swim started as there was no point going home then back again. By the time the swim started there was blue sky. The atmosphere was great, all the gang were there and Pat, Stuart, Jude and Sian came down to cheer me on.

My hat went down well. There was a bit of wind and as it was so big it acted as a sail whilst I swam which made swimming tricky. But some people had heard my interview and knew who I was as soon as they saw the yellow submarine lol.

There was a photographer there from the Manchester Evening News and I was on a couple of their pics. There was a tv crew from Northwest Tonight and I was on the news tonight. What an incredible day. I loved it.

I am back at work tomorrow, sadly, so I’m going to have an early night as I was awake so early this morning.

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