New Year's Day Tradition

It has become a bit of a tradition for us to walk up the Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb hill in Worcestershire on New Year's Day which is the only time that doggies are allowed on site - motor racing and dogs don't mix!  The hill is 1000 yards long and really steep in parts, reminding us both that we need to get into shape this year!  Coming down is great though and Ivy has obviously spotted a squirrel in the wood on the other side of the road.  There were a lot of people and dogs there today which was great to see. The views are lovely and we were lucky to have some sunshine this morning. 

There is a farm right at the top of the hill and the cattle (in extra) were very interested to see so many people and dogs up there as it must be pretty quiet most days of the year!

After our walk we went on to have lunch with our cousins in Herefordshire.  Altogether a really nice way to start the year.

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